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Welcome to Trend Dental: Your New Dental Home

At Trend Dental, we’re excited to welcome new patients into our dental family. Our commitment to providing comprehensive dental care in a comfortable and friendly environment ensures that your first visit—and every visit after—is nothing short of exceptional. From the moment you step through our doors, you’re part of our dental family. We take the time to get to know you and understand your dental goals and concerns. This personalized approach allows us to provide tailored care that meets your specific needs, ensuring optimal oral health and satisfaction. Our team is here to answer any questions you may have and ensure your transition to our office is smooth and hassle-free.

Open Late Evenings and Saturdays
Always Accepting New Patients

Free in office whitening or electric toothbrush with a new patient exam and cleaning.

We Bill Direct to Insurance
Seeing Same Day Emergencies
man smiling in mirror

Comprehensive Dental Services Under One Roof

We offer an array of dental services under one roof, eliminating the need to seek external specialists for your dental care. From routine cleanings and emergency dental services to advanced cosmetic procedures, our clinic is equipped to handle all aspects of your dental health. Our commitment to convenience extends to offering flexible scheduling options, direct billing to insurance, and a transparent discussion regarding treatment costs and options, ensuring your dental journey with us is as smooth and stress-free as possible. We understand that each stage of life brings different dental needs, and our comprehensive range of services reflects our commitment to meet those needs. From the youngest smile in your family to the wisest, we’re here to ensure that everyone receives the care they deserve.

Joining Our Patient Family

Becoming a patient at Trend Dental is easy. We prioritize making your transition into our care as smooth as possible, with a dedicated team available to assist with registration, appointment scheduling, and insurance billing. Our goal is to alleviate any concerns you might have, providing clear information on our services, financing options, and what to expect during your visits. We believe in building lasting relationships with our patients, grounded in trust and mutual respect, and we’re committed to making every aspect of your dental care experience positive and fulfilling. By choosing us, you’re joining a community that values your health and well-being above all. Contact us today to schedule your first visit. We’re excited to meet you, learn about your dental goals, and start you on the path to achieving them.

Book an Appointment With Trend Dental Today