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Our Story

Our goal is simple. To not look at the tooth in isolation, but to treat you as a whole. That is why we partnered with a physiotherapy-chiropractor-massage team to bring Trend Dental and Physio. The office was designed from the ground up to keep COVID protocols and safety in mind. Our dental operatories are equipped with the latest “Surgically Clean Air” air filtration system. We used digital radiographs to reduce radiation exposure. Each room is sound proofed to provide you with an individualized experience. The trend is modern and the atmosphere warm and welcoming.

Our Team

Meet our dedicated dentists and staff.

Dr. Kritika Badhan

Dr. Kritika Badhan

Dr. Kritika Badhan was raised in the Greater Toronto Area. She studied Life Sciences at McMaster University and earned her Honours Bachelor of Science degree in 2017. Following this, she earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in 2022 with distinction from the University of Toronto. During her dental school, she travelled to Thailand for a volunteer dental internship to treat the oral concerns of children in need, at public and private hospitals. Dr. Badhan is a general dentist who has always been extremely passionate about educating her patients, personalizing care and putting a smile on her patient’s faces. In her spare time, Dr. Badhan likes to travel, try new cuisines and spend quality time with her family and friends.

Dr. Kelly Yeung

Dr. Kelly Yeung

Dr. Kelly Yeung was born and raised in Mississauga. She studied Biological Sciences with a specialization in plant biology at the University of Waterloo and earned her Bachelor of Science degree with Honours in 2018. She then went on to earn her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in 2023 with Honours from the University of Toronto. During her last year, she had the opportunity to volunteer on a dental mission in Grenada to provide preventive, restorative and emergency treatment to locals.
Dr. Yeung chose dentistry as it is a form of art and of service to others. She strives to provide a comfortable and stress-free dental experience. She will listen to your concerns as she believes the patient is at the center of care delivery.
Dr. Yeung love to exercise and train with her dragon boat team, cook for her friends and family, and hang out with her three rabbits. She loves expressing her creativity by learning new forms of Do-It-Yourself artwork and furniture.

Dr. Hardeep Asi

Dr. Hardeep Asi

In 2008 Dr. Hardeep Asi received a Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences degree (with distinction) from McMaster University. He then went on to complete a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree at McGill University. Following dental school, he did a hospital-based one year General Practice Residency program at the University of British Columbia. During this residency program he traveled to Cambodia for a volunteer dental mission treating children in need at the Angkor Hospital for Children.
Throughout his education Dr. Asi took part in many intramural sports including basketball and hockey. During this time he volunteered his time to coach basketball for grades 6-8. He also played football for four years during high school. He is an avid computer and technology enthusiast and enjoys gaming from time to time. Furthermore, he is a car fanatic and takes pleasure in DIY projects on his car.




Bio coming soon!



Dental Assistant

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